Why Being Organised Could Be Great for Your Life and Career

Why Being Organised Could Be Great for Your Life and Career

People who are super organised are often teased for being a bit anally retentive, but if you’re one of those people whose home is always uncluttered, who’s never late and who is always ready for anything, you could be the one getting the last laugh. Why? Because being organised is seriously good for your life and career prospects.

Just look at this list of things that organised people are better at than the average person, and you’ll see how you could be improved by having this particular trait:

Ability to focus

When you’re organised, you don’t have to worry about the mess that’s piling up on your desk or the fact you’ve forgotten to write the notes for that speech you’d also forgotten you had to give, which means you can give the task at hand your complete and utter focus.

Improved productivity

For similar reasons, if you have your life organised, you’re more likely to be more productive, Whether you work, you’ll be able to get more done when you have a plan of execution and no distractions to stop you from following it. In fact, according to some research, organised people can be as much as 50% more productive than the disorganised in our midst.

Better time management

Organised people run their diary like the world’s strictest prison. They always know where they need to be and when and they are masters at prioritising tasks. That’s why so many companies look for organised people when they are recruiting.

Less stressed

Much like when you’re computer freaks out and you need a Mac task manager to handle all those applications open at once. When you have a million and one things to do, and you only know what half of them are - it’s easy to get really stressed really fast.

When you’re perfectly organised, it’s not so tough, and you will have a much easier time of managing your life, and your wellbeing than anyone else, which means fewer sick days and more career advancements for you. Seriously, there are no downsides to being organised!

Work-life balance is easier to achieve

It’s easy to throw your work life balance out of whack when you’re always on the back foot, but when you have the ball, and you always know what you’re doing, you can achieve what you need to at work and not have to worry about taking your projects home with you. If you want a career that you love and which doesn’t intrude on your life more than is absolutely necessary, then being well organised is a must. Like, seriously important.

People will be impressed

From CEOs of multinational corporations to HR managers, everyone is impressed with candidates/employees who have a cool calm demeanour and always seem to know what they’re doing. When you’re well organised, this is exactly how you will come across, which means that more and more opportunities will present themselves to you.

Put simply; the more organised you are, the better you’re able to handle the challenges of life and the more useful you are to the average organisation. So, get organised if you want to get ahead.

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