ROA: Part 2. Among the Ashes of a New World.

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ROA: PART 2. Among the ashes of a New World.

Agronon, the Kingdom of the white throne. The Kingdom where even the peasants were regarded as kings; a world where the heart of the king was the heart of the people.


All that once was, is now gone.

The mission to save the kingdom…failed.
The mountain pass, two years earlier:

Slowly the sounds escape his lips, “KRAT….” His voice dwindles away as the horror erupts before him. Never did Guy think that such unbridled fury existed. In stunned horror he looks on as Kratimos takes on the shape of a terrible beast.

Immediately the goblin warriors move forward, the mist that once was their former master still hanging heavy near their feet. With sword drawn the unluckiest of the goblins met its fate from a powerful back hand that flies nearly unseen through the air.

The beast with its open hand grabs the goblin to its left, and makes short work of him as his throat is torn out by the creature’s powerful jaws.

A sword drives deep into the torso of the lycan, a foe unseen only moments before. With a roar, the monster flings the attacker off of the nearby cliff. Soon after four others join him.

Guy stares on in horror. This form of “Lovecraftian” horror could never have been imagined though he heard rumors of such things…such evil things.

The warriors are light work for the creature, some running in fear while others torn and broken at the monster’s feet. He smells the air, meat. He turns to see Guy or what’s left of him kneeling on the ground staring, frozen.

The creature roars and pulls the sword from his torso as he beings to step forward.

Crimson readies her crossbow, injured but prepared to go down fighting when she feels for forceful hands of Brokan Mok pull her to her feet. Their eyes meet.

We must go! He will not stop until everything is dead!

Crimson resists at first, her pride as a warrior filling her for a moment. She feels the pull from Brokan as she is forced from the combat and into the cave that they came from. Following suit Livia and Minather reluctantly pull away into the darkness knowing any other action is certain death.

For Brokan Mok, Minather, Crimson, and Livia:
In the months that follow your retreat you find yourself in an uneasy exile. This new world forged from fear and darkness is not an easy one to exist in. Especially if your loyalty is in question and nothing questions loyalty more than the glowing mark that still exists on your skin.

You roam the underdark for months before you are fortunate to be discovered by a group of dark elf separatists who refuse to be controlled by this new age. These are not necessarily a “good” band of individuals, but they take you in knowing you may have use. Their subterranean village exists deep within the earth where they occasionally leave to raid nearby transports for supplies in order to survive. Slowly you earn the trust of the company and climb their ranks as you live your lives as vigilantes.

((Please advance your character to Level 5.))
For Guy and Kratimos
The beast, formerly Kratimos, approaches Guy. Hunger driving it forward. It’s clawed arm raises to strike at his next victim.

Suddenly, the warewolf finds itself knocked to the ground. A blow that is not easily come by. Staring with a fierce rage, the Goblin leader stands over him, a cruel smile crosses his face.

You both find yourselves in a heavily guarded prison. It occupants are the elite among the heroes of Agronon. For defying this great and terrible darkness, your punishment is to meet your fate in the arena where you combat wave after wave of the undead until you are overwhelmed and join their lifeless ranks.

Guy has survived many of these “challenges” and is regarded as a legend among the gladiators.

Kratimos, however, finds his fate more disturbing. Each night, he is subjected to the power of a great and dark mage who forces him to painfully turn into the mindless beast. There, he is forced to feed up on the helpless for the entertainment of his “masters.” They often threaten those who would oppose their choices with the phrase, “Would you like to meet my pet.” Usually this threat alone will calm any defiance of any who dare oppose them.

During the day, Guy shows himself to be an arrogant celebrity. Little does the public realize, he is secretly fighting for their freedom. Guy is a powerful figure in an underground resistance cell. With his presence in high demand among the corrupt politicians, Guy is able to glean bits of useful information that he feeds to the underground.

Here are your present fates.

((Please advance your characters to level 5))
((As you can see, you've taken a significant level increase, this represents the passage of time and your individual involvements in the world you now exist. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns))

((This will be slow go for me guys since I am currently in NY on a job and I have to get used to posting again. As stated on a previous thread, I can't make promises as to how often I can post, but I will try. Feel free to freshen up your character sheets and back stories to include what happened in the two year gap. I figured this would be a good way to continue and start "fresh."))
Jeremiah 20:9-But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.
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Kratimos-(Part 1, wait 15 minutes to read part 2)
((Good backstory Arch!))

In a 15 foot by 15 foot stone room you called your home for the last 2 years. The room is filled with few amenities. A straw cot, a horn of plenty on a shoddy wooden table and a bucket for your waste, in a distant corner near the door. The door itself has only one small hole, near the bottom where you are to leave your waste bucket so it will be changed daily. 30 feet above you, the room is lit by small stones that seem to glow with a bright magic light. The light never dims and you have lost track of the days and hours since there is no way to see the outside. The horn of plenty produces about 2 pounds of food a day and produces water on command, up to 8 ounces at a time. Roughly 10 feet about the lights is a wooden door that is used as a viewing window when you “master” desires to entertain himself with your latest victim.


The all too familiar feeling day in and day out. During the day, you do what you can to keep your muscles from atrophying and your mind as sharp as it can be. Occasionally you hear voices or conversations but you convince yourself that it’s simply other prisoners or perhaps some guards walking by. You remember the all too familiar faces though sometimes you have to strain to get the details right.

Over the last 2 years, you have time and time again practiced resisting the charms of the evil wizard who continues to use you as his pet. So often, it feels like a mental barrier that you come ever so close to breaking through.
One day, late in the hour (you can tell since you are getting tired) your cell door opens, like it has done many times before. A hand reaches inside the room. Clasped in it, the all too familiar charm, the Darkstar, that causes your mind to swim. You feel the change coming on and your room begins to spin. You hurriedly remove your clothing, knowing it may be months before you get a proper replacement. Your final “human” thoughts lie with the victim that your transformed self will undoubtedly have the misfortune of meeting. Who is it this time? A pirate? A murderer? Or just a simple farmer who tried to stand up for his family or the injustices the dark wizard is guilty of?

You tell yourself that those who meet their end by “your” hand are those deserving of it. It’s the only way you can get yourself off to a restless sleep tonight.

The beast pushes its mind forward and you feel your conscience fade away. With a broken cry mixed with a roar your face begins to disfigure.

As you transform, you hear an argument outside the cell.

Unknown man: “Do you have my money now butcher? The mage has no problem with me using his pet for my own side business.”

Butcher: “I tell you, I have nothing. You’ve taken it all. Please, please sir let her go. I’ll…..”

You then hear weeping coming from what you would believe to be this butcher.

Unknown: “You’ve had your chance. And since you refuse to give me what is due, then I will teach you and the other peasant scum a lesson when you don’t pay.”

The door cracks open a small figure is pushed into the room.

Your eyes go red, the beast consumes and now you become like a passenger in your own body. You see everything but are unable to do anything about it. You reach with clawed hands down to the figure huddled over and you grab it and roar into it’s face.

It then catches your eyes as this figure peers deeply into them. A girl. No older than a child it would seem.
The beast rises up and opens its powerful jaws. The girl releases an ear piercing scream that could be heard from down the hall outside the room.

Then silence.

((Please wait 15 minuets from now))
Part 2 (Kratimos, Read 15 minutes after part 1)
A hand cups the mouth of the child. A large beastial hand. The a finger rises to its lips. Your lips.

“Shhhh.” The monster says to the child. Only instead of a monster, you find that you are the creature. The beast is the passenger.

Right before the maw of the beast ended the life of the child you found a force within that flooded into the mind of the creature and your consciousness broke through your alter ego. For a moment of stunned silence you had a hard time realizing what happened. Such raw power coursing through your limbs. Your senses, far sharper than you could have imagined. The feeling as though adrenalin was continuously pumping through your veins.

You look to the door. If you were the beast it would appear closed and you would have gone back to your meal. However, as you use the heightened senses of your new form, you notice that the door is barely open. They forgot to latch the door, sealing it tightly to the door frame. A small mistake but one you are sure to make them pay for.
((My goal is to give you each an intro (either individually or as a group, depending on where you are now after 2 years))
Jeremiah 20:9-But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.
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((Kratimos' Backstory, Part 2.
From Character Sheet))
Dark, ancient halls echo screams for Kratimos' all too perceptive ears. It pulls him out of blackness. The world is fuzzy, but the chill of the stone floor and the stench of death bring him to. His joints pop back into place and skin clings around shrinking flesh. The once beast is now a naked, curled up, and shivering man. Kratimos pulls himself up to a corner and huddles closely, looking around. It's the same pit he's been in for the last 2 years. There is a rancid taste in his mouth and his stomach turns. He spits out blood from his mouth. Not human blood, and certainly not his. A tattered corpse of an orc is splayed out on the other end of the cell. Fresh, if you could call it that. His stomach ejects what vile meat it contained. He wipes his mouth of as much he can, bows his head and holds himself more tightely. It was cold that night, but the chill never dissuaded him. A monster, he could bear being, but not this. Not this plaything, a pet to be prodded; tortured and made to torture.

Laughter from above comes pouring down. The grinning goblin is pleased, and the mage beams with pride over his handiwork. Kratimos stares again directly into the vacuous eyes of the man who rips the beast from him. Kratimos is broken in all ways but one. Joy, pride, and hope have been ript asunder from him, but hate has filled his nights and his burning anger keeps him war. Every night, his dark magic tears Kratimos apart and after every return, he glares right back at him. Every night, the mage has to work harder. One day, he won't be able to. One day, Kratimos will kill him. One day.
Pew Pew Pew. Science.

RoA: Kratimos/Lycan
UnHuman: Tim
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Kratimos' story:
Bonus health as Werewolf:

Kratimos flexes his beastly muscles. What once felt so foreign now feels familiar. He grinned a toothy grin.
You can't tame a wild animal.
Kratimos perked his ears and listened for any commotion. He heard two men, one who works for his captors and another a relative of the small girl sentenced to die by his hand. Her father, perhaps? Kratimos reminded himself to spare the father, but the other man will be the first victim of many.

Listen Check:

Barring any surprising events, Kratimos huddles down and opens the door silently, slowly stalking out and looks around.

Spot Check:
Pew Pew Pew. Science.

RoA: Kratimos/Lycan
UnHuman: Tim
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((Great Roll on the listen check))
Your keen ears can detect the foot falls of several individuals and the rustling of armor. You know that the unknown man and the butcher are not alone. Possibly two, maybe three others with them outside of your door.

As you slowly open the door, you see the back on one figure. He is adorned with a helmet and cape attached to what appear to be leather shoulder pads. Another man, the butcher you presume, is kneeling on the floor. The man is has obviously been abused and beaten. He is adorned in a simple garb, familiar to peasants and servants. His clothes are torn in various places and blood leaks from his lip. His head is lowered and he is weeping profusely.

To the man's left and right are two guards armed with spears. At their sides they appear to have short swords as back up. Each is adorned in armor. Their attention is focused on the man. The man, who's voice you recognized from earlier, is constantly berating the butcher with insult after insult followed by the occasional pause to spit on the man.
Jeremiah 20:9-But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.
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Kratimos perches low and leaps toward the 3 men. The guards are first.
2 claw attack for right guard:
attack roll:
damage roll:

attack roll:
damage roll:

((It mentions that the Bite is a secondary attack, so I included the attack if it's legitimate to use or not.))
1 bite attack for the Right guard:
attack roll:
damage roll:
Pew Pew Pew. Science.

RoA: Kratimos/Lycan
UnHuman: Tim
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((To do a full two claw attack, you will need to do it as a full round action. This means if you are moving this round, you can make a single attack and next turn, if you don't move then you can make the claw attacks. I will use the first attack you made as your single attack. Also, remember that your attacks are at a -2 -2 so your attack roll will be 1d20+3 not 1d20+5.))

You leap from the door and swing your arm wide raking your claws against the back of the caped soldier, tearing the fabric as you swing. The man stumbles forward into the guard, almost tripping over the butcher. The other two soldiers step up, spears in hand ready to attack.

((I've already rolled initiative, I just need to know what your next action will be. The guards are all armed with spears and are facing you now. The butcher is in the middle and the girl is in the cell behind you.))

Current positioning
Jeremiah 20:9-But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.
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((Oh, I didn't know the claw attacks count as two weapon fighting. I'll be sure to take 2 off of each claw attack roll. I'm assuming that I can't do Bite after a 2 claw attack. would I be able to do a single claw attack then bite? Would it still count with the two-weapon penalties? If I only bit, would I get my full attack bonus?

Also, with my werewolf stats, my attack bonus comes out to be +9 (+7 after two weapon penalties) (+3 for fighter level, +5 for STR attr, +1 from temp mod earlier in the game). As for the temp mod, should I take that off?))

Kratimos bares his teeth and thrust a burst of air out, resisting the urge to howl and roar. He was facing the guard nearest him, staring him straight into the eyes. He wanted to get a good look at his first real victim. Kratimos throws two savage attacks with both his claws.

Claw Attack 1:
Attack Roll:
Damage Roll:

Claw Attack 2:
Attack Roll:
Damage Roll:
Pew Pew Pew. Science.

RoA: Kratimos/Lycan
UnHuman: Tim
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The hour is it should be. This type of business has no place in daylight. You stand in the shadows outside of the perimeter. You survey the activity inside this derelict and abandoned looking mansion. According to your sources this is where your bounty has been hiding. A heavy set man who’s fist is as weighty as his reputation. Your last encounter with him sent the birds circling around your head. The altercation proved useful for an escape for the lowlife.

You move forward to the outside of the compound. Through the Victorian style windows with beautiful molding now worn away by time, glass missing or clearly broken in many sections, and hazy from the dirt you see only darkness. The door is ahead of you roughly 20 meters away.

The silence stirs your stomach. It’s too quiet but the time to back out has long since gone. This bounty is personal because he struck you. This bounty is justifiable because of those he hurt in his trade (women and children included). This bounty is profitable, the money is good and, if successful, will open a door with a new contact that may prove very useful later on.

Dead or alive. You smile to yourself. One way or another, you will collect.

Jeremiah 20:9-But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.
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Before you is a man of rank. You can clearly tell since his garb is lightly adorned with a small but noticeable array of decorations showing the merits of his rank. Perhaps a captain or better? What he was before the moment that brought him before you is now, at best, insignificant.

Before you have an opportunity to strike, the man swings wildly with a beautifully crafted rapier. The sword of an officer no doubt. His swing strikes true, the form of a battle tested soldier. Your abdomen rips open as the blade cleanly passes through.

To the officer's horror he looks as the wound begins to close. Though not fully healed, it's far less worse than it should have been. ((You take 10 damage from a non silver weapon. Your DR 5/Silver stops 5 points of damage from affecting you, you therefore only take 5 damage to your character))

You grin, your teeth overlapping your lip as you strike, first with your right claw and with a deft feint, the officer narrowly misses only to find himself jeopardized by your left which strikes home tearing the flesh from his right arm and rending his armor. Blood trickles down.

The man screams as you lunge forward, fanges bared and you completely decapitate him with your jaws. His hea explodes under the impact.

((So I'm not sure of the rule regarding the bite attack. I'm not sure if you get a claw, claw, bite or just claw, claw or bite. Regardless I rolled the bite for this round just in case. It critted. Then it confirmed. Then you did 15 damage twice (that's 1d6+10 rolled twice). Some insider info, he had less then 10 hp left after your first attack.))

The two officers and the butcher are splattered by the bloody aftermath of your relentless assault. Having lost their commanding officer, the soldiers attack in a fit of panic!

Swinging wildly as a desperate man would, the guard on the left drives his spear into the wall while the guard on the right throws his spear wildly which lands deftly on the ground. He jumps back and draws a short sword.

Meanwhile, the butcher, horrified by the carnage rushes away down the hall screaming in terror as he goes.

Current Positions
Jeremiah 20:9-But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.
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It's been a long time since blood tasted good. Kratimos growls and slashes at the soldier with the spear twice.

Claw Attack 1:

Claw Attack 2:

((Depending on your decision on how to handle my claw and bite attacks:))
After slashing at the first guard, Kratimos spins and lunges his face at the other guard with the sword, teeth ready to tear life away.

Bite Attack:

((EDIT: What terrible rolls! lol!

So, I looked up some stuff on multiple attacks for natural weapons and I found this: ... apons-work" onclick=";return false;

Looks like I can't normally do multiple, but with two-weapon fighting, I can do both claw attacks with appropriate penalties. According to the d20 srd, the bite is a secondary attack for hybrid, so looks like I would get -5 on my attack roll. Does that sound about right for you?

I also took off my weapon focus for Bite, since I don't think I was supposed to have that, so that's another -1 to my attack roll for bite. I get 3 starting feats as a human warrior, right?

Also, I was curious, in a Werewolf Hybrid form, would I be able to talk?))
Pew Pew Pew. Science.

RoA: Kratimos/Lycan
UnHuman: Tim
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((Moving forward, you will only be able to do the two claw attacks or a bite as your attack. With that said, as epic as decapitating an officer with a bite was and dealing 30 points of damage, I think I'll keep things as they are with the previous round. Now, since you're attacking the officer with the spear, he gains an attack of opportunity. Any weapon that has reach threatens two squares away from the unit. If you enter a threatened square, your opponent has an attack of opportunity.))

As you lunge forward, the spear man stabs outward with his weapon narrowly missing your face. You dodge to your right as your attack is interrupted your swings against him meet only the air. The soldier than drops his spear, draws his short sword. He then slashes at you with wild abandon. Too wild as he swings wide. The second guard advances and misses entirely as well.

Jeremiah 20:9-But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.
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Would I be able to speak as a werewolf?))

Kratimos continues his assault on the soldier who just dropped his spear.

Claw Attack 1:

Claw Attack 2:
Pew Pew Pew. Science.

RoA: Kratimos/Lycan
UnHuman: Tim
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As you stumble to avoid the spear you swing violently toward the second guard, ripping through clothes, armor, and flesh with one massive strike. As you follow up with the other claw, you strike home once again drawing blood from your enemy. The soldier stumbles forward, clearly exhausted from the encounter and from the blood loss. He takes a weak swing at you, slowly losing the will to continue.

Seeing his ally in peril, the the second guard passionately dives forward in his assault against you but to no avail. His blade finds contact with only the air.
Jeremiah 20:9-But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.
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Not wanting to make a grand entrance Crimson looks around the edges of the compound looking for traps, a side entrance or an open window to sneak in through

[dice]0[/dice] search
[dice]1[/dice] for disabling trap(s)
[dice]2[/dice] move silently
[dice]3[/dice] listen
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