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Christian church gains membership in Syria

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 3:43 pm
by Sstavix
I just came across an interesting article about a Christian church near the border of Syria and Turkey. It has been gaining membership from many former Muslims who have witnessed the brutality of ISIS and have decided to question their faith.

I hope this church does well, since converting to a different religion is a death sentence, according to hardliners of the Muslim faith. But still, when I read the article, the thought occurred to me that the message of "come follow me" can be more powerful than "join or die."

Jesus' parable of the fruit tree also comes to mind. It was a passage that frequently came to mind, when my wife and I were "church shopping" more than a decade ago. Matthew 7:20 reads "by their fruits ye shall know them." By joining a church, it means standing by that church and that faith, no matter what. If the church does things that you personally or morally disagree with, can you really support it? (I would say that could go for any organization, faith-based or not.) I think it's good that some of these Muslims are "waking up," as it were, seeing what their faith supports, and deciding that it isn't for them. (Not that all Islamic factions are necessarily bad... but if you have leaders killing others just for being a different faith, I think it's time to reconsider if you want to be a member.)

Re: Christian church gains membership in Syria

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 7:35 pm
by ccgr
That is awesome and the main reason why I think God hasn't wiped the slate clean no matter how evil and corrupt the USA is getting these days

Re: Christian church gains membership in Syria

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:33 pm
by Beastbot
Yeah, I've heard a lot of Muslims are converting over in that part of the world. If I remember correctly, when the Muslim Brotherhood were executing those Coptic Christians at the seaside in that video a couple of years back, one of the people they had on their knees was an atheist. After seeing what they did to the others, the atheist was the last one in line and when they asked him to accept Allah or die, he was basically like "No, I'm with the Christians you just butchered".

Re: Christian church gains membership in Syria

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:24 am
by ArcticFox