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Narbash. I loves the 'Bash. I started playing him over the weekend (because Kallari is frustrating; even fully built, it's hard to contribute to team fights). He's glorious. <3 My only complaint is that his 'The Song of My People' attack is the healing buff and not his ult. Can you imagine how glorious it would be to charge into battle with, "Let me play you the song of my people!"

Belica is fun too. Basically, I enjoy ruining other people's days. :P

Sometimes you just want to slap people?
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I guess I just don't play Bash because he's a giant Orc... Does that make me racist?

I slap people all the time, not hard, but when they deserve it.
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There are several jokes I want to make right now that I won't. And I think I might deserve a medal for it.

Brother Bash is actually an Ogre, which is even better. Stomping the enemy? No. You're ogre-whelming them.

Being stomped? "We're being ogre-run!" And then the match is all....ogre. XD

The huge "Age of Intelligence" update?
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Still... He just doesn't visually please me enough to make me play him... And I can't multitask enough to try to fight and support, it's one or the other.

Cool update with a nice buffs.
Phase seems like a good character... Until she starts dragging everybody to where she wants you... Look out.
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I like his looks...but it may be because if I put on an armored loincloth and painted myself green, we'd look startlingly alike.

I foresee Phase becoming a draft-dodge hero. Which is unfortunate for people like me, who don't dodge. Either in the hands of 'pro's' who follow you around and try to put you where they want you (you know it's going to happen. And I know that I'm going to want to spleen-punch them), or newcomers who just don't know what is going on and how to play. XD

But at the same the hands of a communicating team...I think she will be incredibly effective. Plus, I'm looking forward to the Kallari changes. She needs a bit of help, and it'll be nice to not be screeched at for picking her. XD

When your body is just wearing down?
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I like Greystone's new skin most of all.

My body right now is taking on the "chair game", the horrible position I slept in, and running a mile in total yesterday.
Just google image search the chair game.
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Oh yes; Novastone is amazing. I'd be willing to pay for it, I think. Makes me want to play him more. XD

I have not made up my mind about Phase. On the one hand, she's an amazing support who can not only save her team, bust shut down enemies. Makes staying in lane opposite her and a carry very annoying. On the other hand...she's entirely dependent on her user. I had a Phase teammate try to drag me into the mid lane for a 2 v 5 battle (the rest of the team was dead). O_o

I did, and that seems...painful. Also seems like something a church youthgroup would do.

Jolly Ranchers?
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Phase is Symmetra from OW confirmed.
Half the people like her, the other half doesn't.
She uses some weird blue energy.
She sucks.

I like the cherry and blue raspberry flavors. There used to be a kind that had this sour dissolving candy in the center; those were the best.
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Dude, Phase is amazing. In the hands of someone who actually knows how to play as a support, she is game changing. Blinding the enemy team is crazy effective, especially when paired with another persons crowd control. O_o I played with a Phase last night that basically won us the match; she saved the entire team multiple times and insured half the total kill number. XD She literally pulled my rumpus from the fires of death several times.

The trouble comes when people try to play her as anything but pure support. Or try to initiate combat with the other team by throwing you into their midst. O_o Oh man. I felt bad for the Phase on the opposite team last night; the other Feng had tower dived for an assassination and made it all the way through and into safety...when Phase tethered him, pulled him back into the tower, and got him killed by our Khaimi. XD I mean...I felt bad...but I loved it.

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You could have literally replaced every "Phase" from that with "Symmetra" and it would remain true. While she can't physically move players, her teleporter draws the enemies closer to death.

A good Phase makes you like them.
Then there's the one-tricks who can't even play. A Phase who can't play is the worst thing ever.

I'm not a fan of zombies, however I like the Marvel comic zombies.
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Yeah. XD Scrubs are part of the game, yes. But losing a half hour match because someone keeps feeding the opposing team hurts. Especially when they then proceed to blame everyone else for not helping them, when the reason no one helped was because no one else on the team is an idiot. :P

Have you played since v40? The Rev/Phase combo is impossible to counter in the offlane. -_- You're almost guaranteed to lose your tower before the 10 minute mark. Pleh.

Smoking meats?
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I haven't even played since Rev joined XD
I've been logging on and seeing if I have any packs to open and then leaving because I don't want to play an hour game to lose it.

I love smoked meat, however, grilled meat is usually much better.
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I just don't understand that...ideology, I guess. Losing is part of any game, and some of the most fun matches I have played have ended in a loss. I actually feel bad when I'm steamrolling the other team, since it means they're probably just noobs who think they're playing a regular TPS. XD

Anyway. I built a grill for Mothers day that doubles as a smoker, and I'm hoping to smoke some pork within a week or so. Kinda hyped about it, actually. Smoked pork. <3

Cherry cheese pastries?
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I completely understand that losing is part of the game, but I'd rather play thing's I'm good at and almost know I can win.

Oooh... Smoked pork. That's probably the one meat I'd rather have smoked instead of grilled.

My aunt makes those for the holidays when she visits. She makes them for the "whole family" but most of them end up in me.
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